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Description vs Analysis

For criteria A, B and C of  CS Assessment  students are required to analyze the formal qualities in Visual Analysis (A), analyze the Function and Purpose (B) and Cultural Significance (C) of each artwork considered. Full points cannot be reached if the student meregly engages in description rather than analysis.

What is the difference betwen description and analysis?

Description simply describes what is, the facts, without drawing any conclusions. Analysis describes the impact or consequences of those facts. You could say a visual description of an art work is just the what you see and analysis is both the what you see and what you conclude from this. Because analysis is not limited to describing what you see, there is usually a need for some research before drawing conclusions.  


Title: The Calling of Saint Matthew

Artist: Caravaggio

Date: 1599–1600

Medium: Oil on canvas

Dimensions 322 cm × 340 cm (127 in × 130 in)

Location: San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome[1]


Caravaggio depicts Matthew the tax collector sitting at a table with four other men. Jesus Christ and Saint Peter have entered the room, and Jesus is pointing at Matthew. A beam of light illuminates the faces of the men at the table who are looking at Jesus Christ.


In this painting, the gloom and the canvassed window appears to situate the table indoors. Christ brings the true light to the dark space of the sitting tax-collectors. This painting records the collision of two worlds — the power of the immortal faith, and the mundane (money) world of Levi. Jesus's hand points towards Levi echoed by a beam of light, with this apparently effortless gesture he exerts a sublime gravity, with no need for wrenching worldly muscularity. Jesus' feet are bare, signifying simplicity in contrast with the dandily dressed accountants; being barefoot may also symbolize holiness, as if one is on holy ground. Caravaggio chronicles the moment when a daily routine is interrupted by the miraculous. Around the man to become Matthew are either the unperceptive or unperturbed bystanders.

Now your turn.... analyze this.

Artist: Georges de La Tour

Date. 1630

Medium: Oil painting

Dimensions101.9 cm × 123.5 cm (40+1⁄8 in × 48+5⁄8 in)

Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

view on google arts and culture

  • write a purely descriptive visual summary of what you see.
  • do your background research: read about the painting, the historical context, the influences, who was this artist?(sources: Met Museum,   listen to the story, Art lark, Joy of Museums, wikipedia, Painting planet)
  • write an analysis in which you expand on the initial description and draw some conclusions based on the visual, historical and narrative information you have gathered.


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