Update on the implementation of the new programme

Friday 9 October 2020

With all the uncertainty and extra pressure on schools, teachers and students caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which seems likely to continue for some considerable time yet, the IB has announced a delay in implementing the new programme. The teaching of the new IB Diploma chemistry programme was due to start in August/September 2022 with the first examinations in May 2024. This has now changed so that the teaching will start in August/September 2023 and the first exams will be in May 2025.

The last examinations on the current programme will be November 2024.  An earlier release from the IB confirmed that in May 2021 there will be no Paper 3 examination so the options will not be assessed. As things stand currently the options will continue to be assessed in 2022, 2023 and 2024. As stated in the latest programme review report, there will be no options in the new programme with the external assessment consisting of two, not three, examination papers.
