The Research Question
What makes a good essay?
A good research question
Choosing the research question is perhaps the single most important factor in determining the success of the EE.
What makes a good research question?
- It is clearly focused
- It addresses a topic that is genuinely interesting to the student
- The outcome of the investigation is to be discovered, not preconceived
- It takes an original angle or point of view
- It provides ample opportunity for research
The EE topic must be formulated as a Research Question, not as a statement.
A good research question is one that the student does not already know the answer to, but discovers through the research and writing process.
The process of writing the essay is a journey of discovery; the student doesn't necessarily know what the outcome will be. This is why we call it a Research Question. As an EE examiner the most frequent problems I encounter when marking EEs is the lack of a focused research question, or a topic that is too general or broad in scope.
Examples of some generic research questions and how they became focused, specific ones
Food in Art becomes What is the Allegorical role of food in 17th Century Dutch Still Life Painting?
Graffiti, Art or Crime? becomes a site specific investigation of graffiti in the student's own city, with examples of artistic graffiti and graffiti as vandalism. ( with good use of primary sources) How does graffiti in xxx contribute to the visual culture of the city?
Andy Warhol's Pop Art becomes How is Andy Warhol's Factory a Model for Art Production?
Rembrandt's Portraits becomes How do Rembrandt's self portraits reflect a Changing View of Self?
Brainstorming Activity
A good way to come up with an interesting and focused research question is to start with the general topic of interest and make a mind map with all the possible areas of investigation. Then hone in on a specific aspect of the topic, and eventually, arrive at a specific question. It helps to do this in pairs, or one on one advisor/student
Expanding then narrowing the focus
1.Choose a general topic of interest: for example.....Surrealism
2. Expanding: mindmap the different possible areas of focus within the topic: history, symbolism, illusionism, dreams, identify individual artists
3. Narrowing down the topic, forming a "working research question", for example:
Can Frida Kahlo be considered a Surrealist?
Then the bulk of the essay sets out to investigate this question, choosing specific works by Kahlo to analyse, perhaps looking at them alongside a few key surrealist works. This would also involve coming up with a definition for surrealism. A good research question is one that the student does not already know the answer too but discovers through the reasearch and writing process. The conclusion can summarize the "answers" to the question based on the findings in the body of the essay.
Go to Visual Arts EE Topics for some examples of research questions or visit the Sample Extended Essays page
" A Working Research Question"
Don't worry about the precise wording of the RQ in the early stages, it can be modified and refined over the course of the research and defined precisely in the final stages. The important thing is to have a clear idea of the path of investigation to follow.
Download Teacher notes on Formulating the Research Question