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Human Development

Investigating the Human Development Index (HDI).

Mark 19/20

This is a great example of the Human Geography theme for projects.  The candidate chose an area of deep interest to them and completed a detailed, but concise project that has produced interesting and significant results. I am always nervous about submitting projects with such high marks, but feel this project is an excellent example of the potential the IA element has for students. Having seen a number of projects about human geography, it was a pleasure to see an original take.

The marks explained

AIntroduction3/3There is a clear title, statement of task and a detailed plan. The plan includes the purpose of each process, is relevant to the stated aim, and what follows is what is set out in the plan.
BInformation3/3The candidate has collected a thorough data base of information that is relevant to the investigation at hand. They have numerical data in the form of GNI, HDI and CPI and have added categorical fields for Continent and the economic classification LIC/MIC/HIC that allows the population to be split for comparison. The candidate has collected the data on the maximum amount of countries possible and described the process. They have explained that further sampling would not have been appropriate as it would only diminish the validty of the results. The sources of the data are cited. They have met the criteria for 3 here.
CMathematical Processes5/5The candidate has relevantly and correctly used means and standard deviations and added good explanation of how the standard deviation has been calculated. Given the amount of data, I would not expect them to demonstrate the calculation of the mean. They have accurately drawn box plots for three different categories that allow for a visual comparison of the three distributions. Then they have used technology to construct correct, relevant scatter diagrams looking for correlation. For some they have used tech to generate a correlation coefficient so they can add further commentary. As a further process they have calculated the Pearsons correlation coefficient manually and correctly. The variables are clearly defined. All of the processes are correct and relevant to the stated goal. On the last diagram, the candidate has included an exponential trendline which they have only done to suggest that it might be a more useful model than a linear one. They have not used it, but I did not feel it was appropriate to penalise them since the goal was just to demonstrate why it might be a better model. They have also added commentary to explain its meaning. As such I considered its purpose relevant for considering moving beyond a linear correlation.
DInterpretation2/3I feel that this candidate’s consistent, correct interpretations and commentary could justify a three here but I hesitated and went on the side of caution. They clearly have a firm grip on the investigation and the way the processes feed in. This is particularly true if I consider some of the sample work.
EValidity1/1The candidate offers a specific section on validity where the recognise that the omission of less explored territories for which data was not available (issue) means that the sample is not necessarily representative (reason). They have also made references in the various interpretations to issues that can affect validity.
FStructure and Communication3/3The work is very effectively structured with clearly headings, labels and sign posts. It reads well and has found the right blend of complexity and clarity that means it is concise and to the point. The candidate certainly showed a high level of commitment with this task as they have through out the course.
GNotation and Terminology2/2The candidate has been consistent and correct with notation and terminology throughout the project.
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