Category 1 Workshop

This page is simply adding some key information about the first category 1 workshop for the new course that we will be offering in November 2019 in Lisbon.  I will be running the workshop and am really excited about its first iteration. You can sign up for the workshop here.  It is in Lisbon from November 8 to 10, 2019 and will come just before many of us start teaching the course for the first time. Working with, meeting and exchanging with teachers from all over the IB community is such a privilege and a pleasure.The location is great, the venue is great and we have an excellent weekend planned for all of you that can make it. Here are some details that may be of interest to you....

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation

Category 1 - Workshop - Lisbon - 8 - 10 November 2019


This workshop is designed to prepare participants to teach DP Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation. As such, the workshop is designed for those that are new to DP teaching and the course, although participants will come with a variety of backgrounds and experience. The key focus will be on understanding the nature and details of the course itself and its teaching through the lenses of the core IB elements. These will be running themes throughout the workshop. Participants will consider the aspects of planning, management and assessment that are needed to teach this course successfully. The workshop will involve a good deal of ‘doing mathematics’ both as a means of understanding the experiences our students are having and of exemplifying and sharing activity that can be used in the classroom. Our aim is that participants should leave full of enthusiasm and understanding as well as an arm full of practical, useable activities for their classrooms.

All participants will be asked to complete a short questionnaire in advance of the workshop to establish their key priorities.

Please not that we strongly recommend that participants bring a wireless enabled computer with them. (If it is not a personal device, then make sure that you have administrator rights)

Looking forward to seeing you in Lisbon!

Session 1 - Introductions

The principle goal of this session will be to introduce ourselves to each other and the to all the key elements that make up the teaching of this course. We will focus on the specifics of the syllabus, aims of the course, approaches to teaching and learning, international mindedness, the IB core and this course’s place in the bigger IB picture.

Session 2 Applications and Interpretations

Continuing from the first session, this one will focus specifically on the defining nature of the course. The focus is very much on genuine application of mathematical ideas and the mathematical understanding required to interpret results. We will do this largely through examples of mathematical activity and associated discussion.

Session 3 - Internal Assessment part 1

At 20% of the final grade the Internal Assessment is a considerable element of the course and this session aims to describe its nature and place through some exemplification and exposure to the criteria on which it is ultimately judged.

Session 4 - Internal Assessment part 2

In this second session on Internal assessment, we will focus on identifying the opportunities there are for encouraging and exemplifying the kind of inquiry that can lead to investigation and inspire ideas. We will consider the aspects of management that teachers can employ to help students navigate this exercise and make it a truly fruitful experience.

Session 5 - Mathematical Activity

The course is designed around key mathematical concepts. In this session we will focus particularly on these concepts and how teaching and learning can be focussed on conceptual understanding and inquiry based approaches.

Session 6 - Teaching & Learning Opportunities

This session is about identifying opportunities to infuse the teaching of the syllabus with opportunities to address the IB core elements and indeed use these as a driving force behind our teaching. Extended essay, International mindedness, Theory of Knowledge, CAS and the underpinning philosophy are great sources of inspiration for teaching and learning..

Session 7 - Technology

Although the role of technology will permeate many parts of the workshop, this section will offer a specific focus on the possibilities and expectations related to the use of technology in this context. Starting with the Graphical Display calculator as the main tool we will look at the skills needed and move on to the way in which technology contributes to the underpinning goals of teaching the course.

Session 8 - Resources

This is a particularly practical session in which the aim is to help with the resourcing needed to teach the course. We will look at a whole range of resources that can be used. Participants will have the opportunity to share anything they may have or know about and we should all go away armed with useful sources to explore.

Session 9 - External Assessment

We will have a detailed look at the external assessment tools that we are ultimately preparing students for and have a particular focus on how this informs our teaching.

Session 10 - Round up & Planning

This last session will be reserved for picking up on any issues that have emerged during the workshop and and the rounding together of all of the elements we have discussed into concrete plans for teachers to take forward to their classrooms.

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