Functions Internet Guide

Maths Studies - Functions Online

This page is intended to list and outline some of the best resources available online to support the teaching and learning of this module. These will mostly be videos, virtual manipulatives and self help sites. Where appropriate, there will be a short commentary of what they are and how they might best be employed! It is also intended that this selection grow over time and that users contriubute. The lists may grow to be very big and so they have been split into some categories below. Each link carries with it some suggestions for how and when it might be used.


As the title suggests, this is a growing collection of videos that can shown in class to help with the study of this unit. Many of them are also listed in some of the activities provided.


This lists weblinks for pages that students can in some way interact with.


Important to mention here the huge variety of modelling (and other) related tasks for teachers to befound on teacher.desmos. Its very intuitive and just takes a small investment of time from teachers to check you know what is coming when you set up a class for your students. Some brilliant stuff all round. Well done Desmos.

Articles and links

This last collection is really for 'Everything else' and lists any links that might be of interest during the study of this module.

All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.
