DP Maths Studies: Site Updates

Site Updates

How is the site changing?

Get a detailed summary of every change and update here.

One of the major advantages of web based resources must be that they remain dynamic. Whilst I hope there is already a significant amount of very useful resources on this site, the advantage to subscribers should be that they are being constantly updated and added to, so that the resource gets better and better and moves with the times. The 'What's New?' section on the homepage gives notification of new pages, but updates and changes to the site will come in many different shapes and sizes. There will be new worksheets and activity sheets added to pages and corrections made to existing resources. I will count on help from users to prioritise updates and make corrections. Even with the long editorial process of book publishing, they still get published with errors that the buyer can't correct. I am working without that process and so I know there will be errors, the difference is that I can put them right as soon as you let me know about them. Please use the 'Submit feedback' button at the top and bottom of each page to let me know about any errors you find and more importantly any suggestions you have for developing the site. What follows is a list of updates that are being made to the site as I make them. New entries will go at the top. Thank you.

Updates and Notices

September 2019

There are lots of new resources for  Indices & Logs SL including this  Logarithms-Conceptual Beginnings+IA ideas activity, this Exponentials & Logarithms practice exercise and these  Logarithms - Exam Style Questions to get stuck into! You will need to set up student access for your students to use the online questions.

Today I am working on a practice exercise for Volume and Surface area to be posted on the  G & T Practice page which will be suitable for both courses! Now I am working on answers. I always find a need to focus a bit on these, particularly when reverse solving is required. here is the volume, what is the.... etc. Also found on the  Volume and Surface Area page.

New Syllabus additions keep coming and this is our main pre-occupation. please keep visiting this section for news...

August 2019

Keep watching for updates on all the  New Syllabus material. Start with...

This External Assessment page with 2 complete and original sample exam papers for the new AI SL course. these should be very useful and we are pkanning more as well as some HL ones.

This SL Spearman's Rank page

and these  Aims for the new courses posters for your classrooms

July 2019

So in July you will have noticed a flurry of additions under the  New Syllabus tab. We are introducing bits of the the new topics here as we build a new website for the new AI course behind the scenes. here are soe of the new additions in July

Graphics Display Calculators (GDC) 

Indices & Logs SL 

SL Amortization and Annuities 

SL Investment Intuition - Compounding 

Chi Squared Goodness of fit 


Pearson's (r) Limitations 

Pearson's Correlation Coefficient 


June 2019

We have been working on and thinking about the new  SL CORE and the possibility of having SL analysis and applications classes together. Read about a plan on this page  SL Core together 

Check out this structure for the  Max Box activity as a means of introducing optimisation.

Thinking about the New Syllabus I have added a page and some teaching slides related to  Indices & Logs SL to explain their place in the new course.

I have just edited the  Focus on Probability page to include some examples of how activities we did were used in ToK essays.

May 2019

As exam season ended, I started thinking about a new system for managing projects. This page  A management example and the sub pages  A project Google doc , A project google sheet and  Keep track  talk you through it! I really think this is going to make a big difference to the whole process.

Part of this involves some work on this  Number Ones - Project journey 

April 2019

Lots of thought and work is going in to the New Syllabus  at the moment. On the note you can see information about the  Category 1 Workshop  and  Category 2 Workshop that we are running this year.

See this  A project journey page for describing the journey from idea to project that is part of a new management strategy I am advocating.

March 2019

I have been working on this exciting project on the  Gender gap index this week and am excited to share it. The page offers an outline of the activity that students can follow now. I will develop the page to include the display that we are producing. This, for me, is an excellent example of a project that can a) Explicitly be used to learn, practice and explore syllabus items b) Help bring out some very important ToK points and be used as an example in a ToK essay AND c) Ties in perfectly with a CAS project! As suggested in this  CAS Ideas page.

Schemes of work for the new SL syllabus are taking shape!!!

I have been working in particular on a scheme of work for the  Stats - New Syllabus 2019 but still have a bot to do on this one.

I have been working in particular on a scheme of work for the  Models - New Syllabus 2019 

I have been working in particular on a scheme of work for the  N & A New Syllabus 2019

Feb 2019

So this is a BIG month with the official publication of the new guide details. Lots of effort has gone in to the  New Syllabus section of the website where you can begin to see things taking shape and understand what you can expect from us here!

January 2019

With a keen focus on the new curriculum, I have started to write a scheme of work for the  N & A New Syllabus 2019 unit!

I have added some answers keys to the sets worksheets on the  L, S & P Practice page. More are needed and on the list! 

I made some corrections to the answer key to the tangents and normals exam style questions on the  Calculus Practice Page. Thanks to Malcolm Blake for pointing those out

Check out this page on  Which one doesn't belong for some ideas to get good conceptual thinking going on in your classrooms.

INTERNAL ASSESSMENT AND THE NEW CURRICULUM! We know this is going to be a big issue for all of us so please check out this great page  New Internal Assessment - a Comparison which gives us lots of detail about how we are going to need to shift our thinking related to IAs in the new syllabus. The page also links to this one  New 'Exploration' Internal Assessment which in turn links to 5 examples of current studies projects that are shown here on Marked Projects but now marked against the new criteria (based on some assumptions about the details to come) Aircraft - Exploration marks  GDP and Fertility Exploration marks  Gun Crime - Exploration marks  Human Development - Exploration marks  Popular Lyrics - Exploration marks This is a major update thanks to Ollie for lots of hard work in preparing this.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all where ever you are - Wishing lots of good things! This is a big year for IBDP Maths teachers and for us here at this site. The NEW DP courses are being taught for the first time in September this year. Can we just repeat that this site will cater for all of your needs for the new Maths Applications and Interpretations course whilst simultaneously  seeing out the last of the Maths Studies students in November 2020. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THIS SITE WILL AUTOMATICALLY AND SIMULTANEOUSLY BE A SUBSCRIPTION to MATH APPLICATIONS which will launch in Spring this year. When you log on you will just be asked which of the courses you want to focus on.

I am also delighted to announce that my great friend and colleague Oliver Bowles is joining the team to help us make sure we are giving you as much value as we can for the subscription fee. Oliver is a principal examiner and experienced workshop leader for Maths SL. He and I have both been involved with the curriculum review and design of the new courses with a particular focus on the new Applications and Interpretation course. We are very excited about the new courses. We know they will cause some issues, but we hope we can help teachers, students and schools everywhere to combat those issues! Here we go!

Some of you may also have noticed that Cornelia Noble is also on the team behind the scenes. She is doing sterling work on a publishing and administrative level and will be taking on more and more as we move forward. We are all excited about developing this resource for the future! As ever, we are always keen to hear suggestions (Use the feedback button at the top right of any page)

To get us started, I have just added a page about  CAS Ideas which has already got me excited about some of the projects I have for this year. Hopefully there are some useful suggestions for you too!

Thanks, Jim

December 2018

This is a little blog post about  Compound Interest that is more thought provoking the more I think about it!

New project example -  Meat Consumption 

November 2018

Now increasing the range from 10/20 to 19/20 here is another example  Popular Lyrics 

Continuing the recent theme here is another project example, this time a lower scoring one that might be typical of a number we see.  Speed 

Here is another new example marked project with all of the justifications. The project about the Oscars is marked at 17/20 to fit an a gap that was there with the examples.

October 2018

Following a great question from a user - Thanks Peter - about categorising numerical data for chi squared tests, I have added some thoughts and ideas to this  A project journey page.

Here is another marked example of an Internal assessment that scored highly. On the  Human Development page you can see how high marks can be justified.

I have been working on this page for  Non Statistics projects ideas to try and offer some concrete examples and ideas for how students could branch out from stats for their IA.

I have written a set of questions to go with this gem of a ToK video on how  Mathematics is Forever to help students catalogue some examples that they can use for their ToK assessments. It is very approachable, funny, short and to the point. Save it for the last 15 minutes of a lesson one time and help students answer the questions. Alternatively, send them to the page themselves and let them work independently.

I have been redesigning some things for the new Applications site and so have updated the Visual Sequences with a nice new slideshow and made a correction to the Arithmetic Sum activity and worksheet - I have always seen these things going together.  NOTE - IF you subscribe to this Maths Studies site, you wil automatically be subscribed to the new Applications and Interpretations site, AND you will have access to both during the transition. I am probably going to say this a lot to make sure people are clear!

September 18

I have just added this page about  A project journey that I have been using a lot at teacher workshops - and of course with my own students. The page describes the journey from a hook, idea or inspiration to a meaningful project that meets the criteria by looking at a particular problem.

Thanks to some user feedback, I have corrected a number of typos in this  Curriculum Review and 2019 page. Rereading it myself reminded me how close some of these tough decisions are, so I thought it worth bumping it up the list to the updates page.

I have added a set of worked solutions to a set of IB style questions on Sequences that are on the  N & A Practice page. The solutions are posted on this  Sequences 2 - Solutions page. 

I posted a blog about  This Years projects 2018 to help keep the ideas going!

August 18

Following some gaps spotted by a user, I have now completed another set of questions - 50 marks on correlation and regression which you can find here on the  Statistics Practice page and also the  Focus on correlation and regression page. Thanks.

Hopefully you caught the updates on the new syllabus while I was away!

July 18

Hi all - This is just a quick note to let you know that I am going to be away from the site for a few weeks. I have set up some automtic publishing that will slowly release some new pages that compare existing units on the mathematical studies course to the new units in the Mathematics - Applications and Interpretations course at SL. Information on the HL part is already available here,  New Curriculum(2019): Applications , but for these pages I am trying to cater for the large group of teachers who will likely be changing the current maths studies course for the new AI course! We still have time, but it will creep up on us. Anyway, please accept my apologies in advance if you make an inquiry via comments that doesn't get answered. I will do so as soon as I can! Thanks for your understanding - Jim

June 2018

Hot off the press, read about the new  Final Report to teachers available on MyIB

A few issues I have about data and surveys that I think our students need to think about!  Problems with surveys 

May 2018

I posted another blog about the 2019 curriculum Changes, 2019 , which asks you about your priorities for managing the change

Thanks to a user pointing it out, I have replaced the applet on this  Sets of Quadrilaterals page

I have added a section on bringing ToK in to teaching exponentials on this  Focus on - Exponential models page

I have had a good look through the May TZ2 papers and added a review in this blog post

April 2018

With many thanks to users for taking time to correct errors, I have made some corrections and added the word files to the  Mock Exam page.

As promised I have completed the Calculus revision pack to complete the set of  Exam Revision Packs to help students prepare for may exams. This includes another 15 original exam style questions with solutions. Don't forget to tell your students about the virtual teacher site at StudyIB.net which works well with these packs. Hope it is useful!

March 2018

Hi all, I have been working away on the Calculus revision pack to complete the set of  Exam Revision Packs . I am close and it should be ready this week! Just 5 more original questions to write and solve. (They take a surprisingly long time). I need it for my own students so it is definitely coming.....

I have added a set of solutions to the optimisation exam style questions on the  Calculus Practice page and u^dated the questions themselves to correct a couple of errors. 

I have published a whole new Mock exam paper on the  Mock Exam page with both papers and original questions. I'll do the solutions when I get a chance!

Check out this blog post about last year's examiners report, marking and submitting IAs

Feb 2018

I have posted 2 new notes sheets on the  Calculus Practice page following a request for them!

I have just added this page about  Electronic Uploads in the  Internal Assessment section with some advice about managing the (relatively) new uploading procedure for IAs.

January 2018

I have added to the  Focus on Non-right angle trigonometry page, including some notes on the ToK angle here.

Thanks a lot to users who are pointing out briken links and erros. I am really grateful for your help!

I have added a set of answers to the Normal Distribution practice questions on this  Statistics Practice page

IMPORTANT news about the  Curriculum Review and 2019 and the transition on this website. Read also  New Curriculum(2019): Applications to learn more about what is coming.

I have tracked down some of the embedded items that were not showing and now should be, mostly on the Internet guide pages. Please let me know via the feedback button at the top if you find some more. Thanks!

Happy New Year to all. I have added a set of teaching slides to the  Focus - Cumulative Frequency page and some unit plan notes about including ToK during this unit.

December 2017

I know some of you are getting in to Mock exam season so I have finally managed to prodduce some worked solutions to this  Mock Exam paper.

November 2017

I have made some additions to the  Calculus Internet Guide page! I am always keen to get ideas and links for these pages.

Busy November! I was lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to do some consultancy work with a school in Japan. It is always brilliant to visit other schools I get so much out of it myself and usually lots of ideas to bring to this website too..

October 2017

Following requests, I have added a suggested answer key to the  Frequency Distribution Match

To go with recent work on  Volume and Surface Area I have written up some good activities for exploring  Pyramid Volume. lots of good practical activity for exploring these shapes and making sense of the volume formulae.

I have been making a few corrections around the site as part of some on going maintenance. Thanks very much to people who take the time to point out errors!

September 2017

Oliver has done lots of great work here  New Curriculum(2019): Applications helping to make sense of the curriculum review information that is published on the OCC. These courses are for first teaching in 2019, two years from now. Clearl, we are waiting for more detailed information. Based on what we have so far, Olliver has given us a really helpful overview on how it looks like it will all fit together. This current plan is that this site will morph in to the site for the Mathematics, Applications and Interpretations course that will be available at SL and HL.

Its been back to school for me this month! Always an exciting time of year. I have posted a few updates to the site this month. There are now four sets of teaching slides for Volume and surface area all of which can be found here -  Volume and Surface Area


I have added a  The Normal Distribution page to begin to put all the resources for the normal distribution together. I have started by adding a set of teaching slides! See below...


Oliver has been working on some really useful diagrams to help us understand the new syllabus that is approaching! Check out this new diagram on  Statistics & Probability. See more and watch this section develop  New Curriculum(2019): Applications.

July 2017

I am pleased to say that my colleague Oliver Bowles is going to be helping me develop this site as we prepare for the significant syllabus changes for first teaching in September 2019! Oliver has started to make sense of the information we have so far here on the  New Curriculum(2019): Applications page! Watch that space as it develops.....

Thanks to Ewa Panetta for point out an error on  the 15 Countries and 200 years activity. I have corrected it and taken the opportunity to revamp those pages a bit, update the printable resources and elabaorate on the thinking behind the activity.

June 2017

Here is a long blog post about 'First Draft Feedback' and the way I have been running the IA process this year.

I have been doing some thinking about  Focus on Probability and added some sections to this page, particularly on ToK in which there is a lot of potential here.....

Here we go then...  Project Maps is the first of a new page/resource I have developed this year with the aim of making a better start to the IA unit... more on the way.

May 2017

I have been busy re thinking the IA section.... news soon

New Blog Post - Venns in the news - A quick reaction to some of the things I have seen recently!

New Blog Post - This Years projects - a run down of some the ideas going on with my classes this year. I am optimistic so far!

New Blog Post - Some new ideas on project mapping.

April 2017

I have just added a page on  Exam Advice  - Little things that can make a big difference. You might want to share it with your students. 

And here it is - the revision pack for Logic, sets and probability on the  Exam Revision Packs page.

Please find the revision pack for Mathematical models on the  Exam Revision Packs page! Nearly there now. The Logic, sets and probability one should be there before Monday 17th April 2017!

March 2017

So I am really pleased to be able to announce free access to my new resource for students at StudyIB.net . It is a Beta version meaning that there are some gaps and unfinished business, but there is already a lot of very useful resources there to help students prepare for their exams and I am keen to get them using it. Visit the link above or this page  StudyIB.net on this website for more information.

Feb 2017

I have spent quite a bit of time this month on re writing the  Exam Revision Packs page. It now has 3 brand new complete revision packs to help students prepare for their exams, with more to follow. Visit the page to see an explanation of how they work. I am delighted to have them myself and hope that they will be useful to lots of your students too.

Following a request, I did add a solution to the  Cuboid Challenge page.

January 2017

While we are here, lets remind you of this section Student writing guide which is a good checklist to help students put the finishing touches on their projects. There has also been a debate about correlation and independence on the Project Problems page, which makes reference to this blog post on the topic.

Many of us will be in project season one way or another, so here is another sample in the Marked Projects section. Television Series as with the others there are full justifications for marks awarded. See example below....

Here is another sample IA from the  Marked Projects page -  Favourite movies  - this one scored 11/20

December 2016

Here is another sample IA from the  Marked Projects page -  Homicide Rates - this one scored 18/20

Here is a blog post about the percentage perception activity and some new data we have at our disposal

November 2016

I have added a new example IA, Aircraft  to the  Marked Projects section. This is the first of a few new ones coming.

See the new page  Focus on Non-right angle trigonometry with the gallery of explanations for this sub-topic


October 2016

This month has been primarily about a full scale proof read (and correction) of the web pages on the site. Difficult to see I know, but lots of hours involved to hopefully improve the quality of the site. What we could correct as we go we did, we have a list of everything else to work through! This was necessary and will be repeated from time to time. Next up is a proof read and correction of downloads!

September 2016

I have been building this  Focus on SOHCAHTOA page which includes a new set of teaching slides.

I have been doing some Number and Algebra work and have updated the  Percentage Perception to elaborate on the ToK angle and include some answers. I had some nice feedback this week about that activity...

'It is bang on the money. You can just feel the percentage error equation - drop dead boring by itself - come to life in the lesson. It is really relevant to an international class and its the sort of lesson that would have an inspector dancing in the aisles - maths made relevant and allowing the exploration of something pertinent in today's society. Sweet!'

Back to school for lots of us! I started my classes with a bit of a visual warm up this year - check out this blog post 

August 2016

I have just made some big updates to the The 6 million question activity as I prepare to do this with my students at the start of the year. Lots more images and videos to help make this activity count!

I am building the  Focus on correlation and regression page with ideas, activities and practice resources.

Here is a blog post about the IB Americas conference and some reflection on this site and conferences in general

If you haven't seen the blog post on results, then check that out!

July 2016

Have added a few paragraphs to the Teaching and Learning notes section of the  Focus on Calculus Concept page!

Just returned from an exciting trip to Toronto and the IB Americas conference. It was terrific to meet lots of teachers from the region and also to meet some happy subscribers face to face! Hope to see some new schools from the region on board soon.

Check out the  Focus on stationary points and optimisation page - as promised.

I have been making some additions to the  Focus on Calculus Concept page, including a piece about the ToK leap to using limits to build new knowledge! Am also working on a 'focus on stationary points and optimisation' page that will be published next week...

And with summer holidays come results! Hope all your students got what the needed!

Summer holidays for Northern hemisphere schools! Hope everyone has a good one! I am off to the IB Americas conference in Toronto next week. Maybe I'll bump in to some of you?

June 2016

Mostly only small adjustments, corrections and additions made to pages during the month of June

May 2016

Check out this new activity for thinking about frequency distributions -  Frequency Distribution Match. It is part of preparations for working with the Normal Distribution. Match 12 distributions with their diagrams!

And now one on Non Right angled trigonometry. See the  G & T Practice page

Exam season - cant get enough practice! There is a new set of exam style questions on right angled trigonometry on the  G & T Practice page!

April 2016

Another set of exam style questions on Coordinate geometry is now on the  G & T Practice page

There are 10 new exam style questions for solving simultaneous equations with the GDC on the  N & A Practice page.

March 2016

Check out some updates to the  Common Errors page ahead of May Exams!

I have added a quick idea and associated file to the  Statistics Teaching Ideas about the chi squared calculator that I have used recently with a class.

Here is a new classroom activity,  Box plots - why?, for looking box plots. Its one I have been using for a while with students and teachers on workshops and I find it a really powerful way of getting students to come up with the idea for themselves and then seeing its power as a comparative tool for understanding the world around us. As such, I have had quite a lot to say about it here on the  Box plots - teachers notes. Much focus has been on exam style questions and teaching slides etc recently and it is nice to spend some time on another great teaching idea. I'd love to hear peoples thoughts.

A new set of teaching slides on calculus, check out  Focus on Tangents and Normals

February 2016

Here are two new sets of questions on Statistics that can be found on the  Statistics Practice page. One on descriptive statistics and the other on Bivariate data. Both come with solutions.

Thanks to a user for pointing out some problems with  3D Uncovered which are now solved. The sketchup files can now be downloaded. I enjoyed reminding myself how useful it is to be able to look at 3D diagrams from different angles!

See the new  Focus on Calculus Concept page for a new set of teaching slides on this topic along with links to activities and practice exercises.

There is a new set of exam style questions on Sequences on the  N & A Practice page that covers both arithmetic and geometric sequences. Solutions are there too!

Just back from another great workshop weekend and have been doing some more thinking about ATTL unit planning and how we, as teachers, show that our planning is set up to help students with the  ATTL and planning ​documents, the IB learner Profile ​,  Theory of Knowledge ​and all the elements of the  IB Core ​. Lots to think about here and I am doing some more fleshing out of how I think we address the attributes of the  IB learner Profile ​ on that page!

January 2016

Happy New Year

This week I have added a great set of exam style questions on exponential models and their solutions to the Focus on - Exponential models ​page

See this blog post about an activity on modeling exponential decay. Now added with a couple of other things to the Focus on - Exponential models ​page

Have been working quite hard on a new service for students - It will be a separate website with video lessons, online quizzes and more to compliment the teaching site. It will be available to individual students. Details soon and hoping to release it in Feb!

Please find a new set of exam style questions on Financial Mathematics on N & A Practice ​ page.

There is a new page here with a Focus on Logic ​that includes some great teaching slides for this complex topic. See them on the gallery below


December 2015

Hopefully you have all seen the teaching slides on the Focus on Sets ​and Focus on Probability ​pages!

Hope everyone is looking forward to a good Christmas break wherever you are! I will be signing off for 10 days or so. A couple of new pages with teaching slideshows for Sets and probability will get published during the break Then in January, I'll post a new mock exam. Take care all - Jim

There is a new set of exam style questions on 'the Normal Distribution' available on the Statistics Practice ​page 10 questions, a mix of paper 1 and paper 2 style and the solutions! See the new Focus on - Exponential models ​page which includes teaching slides and links to activities and practice.

Thanks to a prompt from @stoodle I have added an answer key to the problems in the Probability Trees ​activity in the Probability Trees Teacher Notes ​.

November 2015

I have added some exam style questions on Quadratic models. See them both on the Focus on - Quadratic Models ​and the Functions Practice ​pages.

have been making progress on these two pages. Focus on Linear Models ​and Focus on - Quadratic Models ​I have added some new ideas and thoughts about ToK. A work in progress.

See the new question set on Chi squared tests here on the Focus - Chi Squared ​page and the Statistics Practice ​page. Ten exam style questions with solutions.

Just added a little section on 'Paper folding' to the Focus on - Geometric Sequences ​page.

Get some teaching slides and expanded sections on ToK and ATL when teaching with the Focus on - Geometric Sequences ​page! Lots of ideas, activities and practice for these ideas.

October 2015

Another set of exam style questions on the Calculus Practice ​page. 110 marks on optimisation!

Here is another in the focus on series - Focus - Arithmetic Sequences ​with teaching activities, teaching slides, practice tasks, ToK references and Teaching and Learning notes to help with unit planning.

I have just added the latest in my series of 'Focus on' pages. This one is Focus - Chi Squared ​. The aim of these pages is to collect the things on the site relevant to particular syllabus items and topics. As the site gets bigger, these filters will be increasingly necessary. Also, the pages contain sets of slides for teaching and some deeper discussion of the teaching of the topic with opportunities to develop ToK and the IB learner profile. There is also discussion of approaches to teaching and learning which will be increasingly useful as unit planners become more common place

Read my first analysis of the curriculum review reports. Some serious changes in store!

September 2015

Check out this new GDC Treasure Hunt ​activity. Great fun and terrific for reviewing/practicing/learning calculator skills

Following a number of questions on this recently I wrote a quick blog post about students using the chi squared test in their projects.

30 NEW EXAM STYLE QUESTIONS - I am really pleased to be able to add some exam style questions on Calculus to the Calculus Practice ​page. Find 3 sets of 10 questions on 1. General concept, 2. Tangents and normals, 3. General calculus. There are a mix of paper 1 and paper 2 style questions and the solutions. I have enlisted some help writing questions and would like to thank Dennis Oberg for writing these questions for the site.

I have just added these posters with Mathematical Quotes ​ to get students thinking and help decorate your classrooms! Visit the page to see, download and print.

I am building this page about Mathematics in the Media ​listing some of my favourite examples for use in class. Plenty there already and more to come.

I have been spending some time browsing through some good sources of mathematics in the media for project inspiration and more. I have just posted this Blog about a talk called 'Is Life Really That Complex?' from Hannah Fry. Check it out. I am collecting some more sources and writing about them here on the Project Ideas ​page.
I have just added a 'Tarsia' puzzle to the Calculus Practice ​page. This is great for lots of practice in a fun context. Have a look below if you are new to these.

I have just written the second page in the new structure that is being added to the site. The Cumulative Frequency and box plots ​page is just about teaching that particular subtopic and contains links to related activities and exercises as well as listing the information needed for unit planning. There will be about 35 of these pages eventually helping teachers to map out their teaching of the course and ensure that all of the planning requirements are taken care of. The pages will also include some teaching slides. You can see an example below.
As northern hemisphere schools go back to school, perhaps you (or anyone) want to start with a bit of hands on fun with Geometry. I love this Cuboid Challenge ​​activity and think it has lots of potential for students!

August 2015

There is a new set of exam style questions for set theory on the L, S & P Practice ​page. Ten questions worth 80 marks, with solutions!
There is a new set of exam style questions for Probability on the L, S & P Practice ​page. Ten questions worth 80 marks, with solutions!

There is a new set of exam style questions for Logic on the L, S & P Practice ​page. Ten questions worth 80 marks, with solutions!

New Activity page, have great fun and do some good thinking with Nerf gun roulette ​

To go with the ATTL and planning ​page there is now an explanation of how I am going to help teachers gather evidence for Unit planning ​along with an example done for the sub-topic Sets of numbers ​based on this Sub-topic summary page ​template.

So there are a few new additions so far in August. I have written a page about the IBs ATTL and planning ​initiative in the IB Core ​section and how it affects us.

July 2015

As part of an effort to improve past paper style questions, I have updated a question set for Numbers and Accuracy with solutions in the N & A Practice ​page.

See new pages under the Student writing guide ​section on Introduction ​, Information ​, Mathematical Processes ​ and Validity ​the rest are coming soon.

A blog post about my plans for this website during my sabbatical!

So, the summer has arrived in Toulouse and I am at the start of a sabbatical from school that means, in theory, that I wont be teaching again until January 2016. The summer and the term following should see the site really develop to the next level...... Updates will be posted here. I am off on holiday for a couple of weeks now, but have scheduled some updates for that time so check the what's new section on the home page!

June 2015

This weekend just passed I had some fun making this video about chi² and expected frequencies which fits nicely with the Independence Day activity....

I have been working on a new activity to help get students thinking about the Normal Distribution - coming soon!

May 2015

30th May - For the last couple of weeks I have been working hard on this Student writing guide ​for the Internal Assessment ​. It is a currently 24 page guide to writing stats based projects for the IA. The tricky balance is to offer a good mix of sound advice and technical help without providing a formula for a project. I think I have done alright! Anyway, you can get the guide as it stands from the Student writing guide ​page as a PDF and I will continue to make more of it web based.

12th May - I have just given the Independence Day activity an overhaul having wanted to change a few things for my own use in class. I think it is tighter now and really leads students nicely to the idea that expected frequencies is an intuitive idea and not a calculation that needs to be taught. The activity sheets have been re-written and are now available as PDFs since the google docs were not so easily printed. I followed this with using the chi ² calculator idea which I talk about here in this Making Calculators blog. I'll be following that up with some Real independence tests

3rd May - There is a new notes file on the Calculus Practice now about finding where gradients are equal to zero. Reminder that these Notes Files are designed as a way to help students keep records and revise what they do. Not a complete set of notes, but not a blank canvas either. Students need to think to fill them out, but there is limited potential for them get things wrong.

April 2015

26th April - I have just added a 'idea' and description for a great, practical activity to introduce calculus. Distance Time Graphs ​ on the Calculus Teaching Ideas ​page. Writing about it reminded how good it can be! get a taster below!

14th April - I have been having some good conversations about Chi Squared, Regression and Causation that I have blogged about!

6th April - Here is a new revision resource called Revision Calendar ​I used to do this a number of years ago and have revived it this year. As simple resource to help students keep thinking about mathematics while they go on study leave!

March 2015

29th March - I made a small addition to the Student Placement ​page which you might find useful when talking to students about choices.

22nd March - Here is a blog post I wrote about the projects my students did this year. I was really pleased with the variety and spirit in which the projects were done!

14th March - Pi day for enthusiasts! - I have just published a blog post about Project Mind Maps which is the beginning of something I want to write more about in the Internal Assessment ​section.

3rd March - Hi all, I would really like to start collecting some testimonials from site users and so have put this Tell us what you think. ​page together.

February 2015

24th February - I have added the first three Notes Files to the Calculus Practice page. More coming and we nearly have a full set!

18th February - This is the first draft of a new activity I am really excited about. It is a simple activity for practicing % error, but the context is what makes it so interesting! here is the Percentage Perception page in the N&A Teaching ideas ​section.

Workshop weekend! - I have just a brilliant weekend doing workshops with teachers in Barcelona and in Rome - I know, someone has got to do it! Preparing for these does impede my website time a bit, but it gets my creative juices flowing so I have a number of new ideas that will go up as a result!

12th February - I have just added some elaboration to go with the presentation on the Student Placement ​ page.

4th February - Following a request I have added a blank spreadsheet template for use in marking and moderating course work to the Marking & Moderation ​page.

January 2015

28th January - I started a section on Student Placement ​since we had an evening for prospective students and many are beginning the decision making process for which mathematics course to choose. There are some presentation slides that you might find useful to show to students/parents and I have begun elaborating on them.

14th Jan - Check out the Site Development ​page to get an idea of what my priorities are. There is an invitation to contact me and help me set them. I have re-written this page in a way that makes more sense and will be more dynamic. I confess that I have so many plans for the site that I sometimes lose site of what is already here. The site is already huge but it is growing all the time (read this page). Let me know if you have some thoughts.

7th Jan - I added another notes file on Basic probability to the L, S & P Practice page. getting there!

6th Jan - I Published the January 2015 Newsletter. this will go to those on the e-mail list too. Some ideas, links and thoughts about Approaches to Teaching and learning.

3rd Jan - And today I made three new 'Revision Notes' files and put them on the L, S & P Practice ​page. As revision looms for May 2015 candidates, these are going to be really useful. Read more about what they are here - Notes Files ​Only a couple more to go on this section, then the calculus section and we will have the complete set. I will be using those with my students this year. See example below....

2nd Jan - Happy New Year to all! I have started as I mean to go on and have been tackling some obvious gaps on the site. Today, there are 3 new, detailed worksheets/practice exercises for probability on the L, S & P Practice ​page. Following requests from some users, I have made these available as PDFs, which I have also embedded in the page so you can get a quick look

December 2014

I have started working on the probability section of the L, S & P Practice ​page uploading a new worksheet today. This section, and the Calculus Practice ​page are the top of my New Year's list!

I have put up a couple of new ideas on both the L,S&P Teaching Ideas ​and Functions Teaching ideas ​pages under the 'Quick Ideas' section.

I just added a quick idea to the L,S&P Teaching Ideas ​pages called 'Nerf Gun Roulette'. I have been having fun with that this week. It is good fun and a nice conditional probability problem. I was quite impressed that my students could solve it!

There is a new activity for students in the Theory of Knowledge section about the Mutilated Chess Board problem complete with a reflection sheet for students. I really recommend this one!

Having just done this with another class, I have added a reflection sheet for students about the Human Sudoku activity in the Theory of Knowledge section.

I have just added a page on the group 5 Aims and Objectives ​where you can download some posters for classroom display.

Here is a quick blog post about some data that crossed my path earlier today and how we might be able to use it for teaching stats or projects.

I have been working on the IB Core ​section and in particular on that home page and the page about the IB learner Profile ​

I have been making some small edits and re-arrangements under the Getting Started ​ section to bring some things up to date.

November 2014

Two more worksheets and some answers added to the Functions Practice ​page

Added another question and set of answers to the Logic Practice questions on L, S & P Practice

Just added 4 new IB style questions on Financial Mathematics as a document on the N & A Practice page.

Now there is another questionnaire on the Real independence tests page. Is preferred Wine Colour, dependent on Gender?

I have just posted a blog on ToK and my own personal perspective.

I have just added GDP and Fertility as another example under the Marked Projects section.

I have been doing some re-arrangement of pages under the Getting Started link and the new IB Core page. These areas are developing.

I have just added an activity, Human Sudoku , to help teachers and students examine ToK and Mathematics. This is particularly approachable for Studies students.

October 2014

I am beginning a section on the role the IB learner Profile plays for Mathematical Studies Students

Also taking shape at the moment is this new section on Theory of Knowledge . I do feel like that ToK runs through many of the activities on the site, but I am working on this section so that it makes some of this a bit more explicit.

I have a recently begun work on writing up a new activity that ticks some boxes for estimation and ToK. Not quite finished, but already useable, The 6 million question

I have just put up a new set of IB style questions on the N & A Practice page for Standard form, Accuracy, sets of numbers and percentage error. they can be used how ever you want, but the make a nice 50 minute test all together.

I have been getting very excited about this web app I discovered called 'The Logic Lab' I think it has lots of potential for helping with logic truth tables and have been working on a big activity to go with it. Read the blog post (linked above) and watch this space.

I have remodeled the Site Guide page to include a more detailed description of what you can find on the site and a screencast. this is probably more useful for new users. Please share with anyone you think might be interested in subscribing!

Thanks to Anna Binney for point out an error on the Which Rule? activity sheet which is now corrected!

September 2014

I have added another new worksheet to the

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