Peace & Conflict

Structuring the Peace and Conflict Study

Structuring the Peace and Conflict Thematic StudyAs explained in the introduction to the "structuring" sections of the previous two thematic studies, this overview of how Peace and Conflict has been designed...



Introduction to Violence. Understanding peace and violence involves looking at both visible conflicts and the deeper, often unseen issues in society. Johan Galtung, a key theorist in peace studies, introduced...

Introducing Conflict & Parties to Conflict

Introduction to Conflict and Parties to Conflict. Exploring conflict in society involves understanding the clash of incompatible goals or actions. This section will look at some general causes of conflict...

Causes of Violent Conflict

Introduction to Causes of Conflict. This topic focuses specifically on the multitude of factors that cause conflict. We will explore how basic human needs, identity, interests, and ideologies can lead to...

Justifications for Violent Conflict

Introduction to Justifications for Violent Conflict. To explore the justification of conflict, we will consider when it's acceptable to enter a conflict and how to behave during it. The 'Just War' theory...

Forms and Impact of Violent Conflict

Introduction to Forms and Impact of Violent Conflict. Understanding global conflicts requires differentiating between symmetric and asymmetric warfare. Symmetric warfare involves states with comparable...

Nonviolent Conflict

Introduction to Nonviolence. In our exploration of nonviolence, we will examine its philosophical and ethical foundations, focusing on the core principles that differentiate nonviolent action from pacifism....


Introduction to Peacemaking. This topic focuses on the peacemaking process; we will examine different approaches and the obstacles that often hinder conflict resolution. We'll start by exploring various...


Introduction to Peacekeeping. Peacekeeping is central to the United Nations, and while the term "peacekeeping" was not initially mentioned in the UN Charter, it has evolved from the core objective of maintaining...


Introduction to Peacebuilding. This topic explores the process of peacebuilding in post-conflict environments. It introduces the "hourglass model" to explain how conflicts escalate and de-escalate, providing...

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