MYP English Language & Literature

  • To study

    Rahab Kipchirchir, Mpesa Foundation Academy (Kenya)

  • Thank you for creating this amazing resource, it has saved me so much time in lesson planning and has given me lots of new ideas! Kudos to Kate Beatty for the expertise and dedication she has put into this site. Thank you!

    William, La Garenne (Switzerland)

  • This website is a great resource! It has been extremely helpful to me this year in planning new units. I also find myself checking it at least once a week for inspiration and ideas.

    Katie, Renaissance International School Saigon (Vietnam)

  • For teachers teaching L&L, I highly recommend this website. Lots of detailed information and lesson plans. Kate Beatty thank you!

    Safaa Nilsson, Karlskrona Internationella Grundskola (Sweden)
