InThinking Subject Sites
Subscription websites for IB teachers & their classes
Disclaimer: InThinking subject sites are neither endorsed by nor connected with the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
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Learning to Blend Collaboratively
As schools have had to turn to using more technology for student learning as a result of school closures due to COVID-19, it has become clear that this may become the way of the future for education....
Inquiring & Analyzing Free
During the 'Inquire and Analyze' section of the design cycle, students are presented with a situation or problem. This is where students will be brainstorming, researching, speaking to potential clients...
Headlining... Lifelong Learning Free
In recent months, and most likely for the rest of 2020, the importance of lifelong learning has come to the forefront. We have watched scientists from around the world work together to unlock the mysteries...
Hockney Collage
The project can be developed to use all of the MYP Arts criteria or each task can evolve into a discreet project Activity 1 Born in Bradford in 1937, David Hockney was interested in art from an early...
Language & Literature
Language & Literature
Introducing the IB MYP English Language & Literature Website ...
Language & Literature
Introducing the new L&L website
The project can be developed to use all of the MYP Arts criteria or each task can evolve into a discreet project Activity 1 This first activity will give confidence to all young artists as they use the...
Language & Literature
Take-away Units
The following units are designed to support MYP Language and Literature teachers during the Covid-19 crisis. The units can be taken and used by schools or individual teachers. For each year of the MYP,...
Language & Literature
MYP2 - One Moment in Time
On this site, you will find a completed unit planner, with suggested teaching activities, resources, and an assessment task. This MYP 2 unit focuses on the text type of Memoirs. Key Concept - Perspective...
Language & Literature
Advertising Part 2
The idea of a brand image is presented in these lessons. You will examine the role that symbolism plays in supporting or creating a brand image. You will inquire into print and television adverts from...