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TI-Nspire Top Tips

The TI-Nspire is a very powerful and multi-faceted calculator that is more aptly described as a 'handheld device' and can be likened to a small computer - albeit one specifically designed for doing and learning mathematics. The power and versatility of the TI-Nspire can make it seem a bit of a daunting process to become fluent and comfortable in its operation. To help make this learning process smoother we have composed a number of short videos (around one minute each) that demonstrate a specific 'tip' which can help anyone (novice or experienced user) develop their expertise with this wonderful handheld mathematical tool. The video demonstrations focus on practical information for the TI-Nspire CX that cover a range of features, settings and commands for the handheld device. All of the videos show the TI-Nspire CX device (non-CAS model) with OS 3.6 operating system installed.

 Top Tips for the TI-Nspire - video demonstrations

click on the title of a tip to move down to the relevant video

1. Using nSolve
2. Stats Calculations Locations
3. Scratchpad Limitations
4. Setting Degrees and Radians
5. Quick Stats Graphs
6. Place and Move a Point on a Graph
7. A Graphs Table of Values
8. Managing Variables in Exams
9. Screen Dimming and Sleeping
10. Evaluation of Expressions
11. Restrict Graphing Domains
12. Contextualised Menus
13. Document Overview
14. Jump to Top and Bottom of Page
15. Repeat Pressing of Buttons
16. Moving around a Split Screen
17. Delete an Application
18. Decimal Approximation

1. Using nSolve

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2. Stats Calculations Locations

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3. Scratchpad Limitations

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4. Setting Degrees and Radians

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5. Quick Stats Graphs

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6. Place and Move a Point on a Graph

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7. A Graphs Table of Values

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8. Managing Variables in Exams

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9. Screen Dimming and Sleeping

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10. Evaluation of Expressions

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11. Restrict Graphing Domains

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12. Contextualised Menus

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13. Document Overview

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14. Jump to Top and Bottom of Page

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15. Repeat Pressing of Buttons

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16. Moving around a Split Screen

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17. Delete an Application

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18. Decimal Approximation

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