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See allYour site is very helpful, I use the resources and ideas a lot. The discussions on philosophy and how to teach some concepts are great as I have only one chemistry colleague and he is in his first year.
Lynda Keer-Keer, Alcanta International College (China)
Ich finde den Subject Site sehr wertvoll und greife sehr oft darauf zurück. Vor allem finde ich es toll, dass alles sehr übersichtlich aufgebaut ist: Alles ist auf einem Fleck und man muss nicht herumsuchen. Deine Tipps für die einzelnen Assessmen...
Beatrix Langbauer, Graz International Bilingual School (Austria)
Incredibly useful resource site - has probably saved me hundreds of hours planning. Plenty of links, worksheets and interactive resources that support the new IB course.
Sarah Jackson, Diocesan School for Girls (New Zealand)
A huge thanks to InThinking and its authors. This page is guiding me really well with planning lessons, and to develop a deeper understanding of each theme of study. The site is really easy to navigate and personally I am very satisfied with the p...
Carolina Charsley, Harare International School (Zimbabwe)