Subscription websites for IB teachers & their classes
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Teach Cambridge IGCSE? Why not subscribe to our thinkIGCSE sites for teachers & their classes? We currently offer Cambridge IGCSE Business, Economics, Geography, History and Mathematics
Career-related Programme
See allThis site is an outstanding overview of many of the issues that face an IB leader, from leadership itself, to teaching and learning, to the intricacies of the IB. There are many interesting and useful resources to promote reflection and thinking....
Jim McConnell, Independent consultant (Canada)
John Crane provides an invaluable resource for all IB Psychology teachers. The site provides up to date studies and relevant material in the current news. It has become my go-to source for IB specific materials.
Graham Samson, Exeter College (United Kingdom)
We subscribed to this a couple of weeks ago, and we’re quite happy with the resources. To be honest, I’m usually a bit reluctant to use some resources and tend to adapt many parts, but I find myself using them without much modification. I apprecia...
Guido Segura, The British International School – Cologne (Italy)
I have been looking up at the InThinking for BM and I just wanted to say that this resource is so so good. So much of visual stimulation and engaging material. It's got me gripped. I love the way you develop your content. Thanks again for the...
Ruchi Steven, Bunts Sangha S M Shetty International School & Junior College, Mumbai (India)